I am primarily writing this blog to learn about Ruby and other web technologies. I will be writing about Quadcopters and other personal projects. My goals is to write a sort of diary about my work and a sort of go to knowledge about problems that can occur and how to solve them.
My current project is building a low cost Quadcopter:

This project came about because I was looking at smaller ground based robots that are meshed-network at the Community Connected Hackerspace. It was suggested that we could build a quadcopter that people could learn with, a sort of kit form for members to build and learn with.We also though this could also link in with other meshed robots and eventually we could use it as a command and control platform.
So I decided to build one. I have had experience at building Quadcopters. This is my old one, note the wombat holding it down so it can’t take off.

This design had to be flexible so people can mod easily, adding and removing parts. It had to be cheap. I am aiming to keep it under $150. Has to work! This is harder than it looks!
For this project early on I decided to use a laser cutter and build it from acrylic. This is due to time on a 3d printer being so expensive. After searching for designs I came across the Flone This was a nice design that fulfilled my requirements. Original DXF Thingiverse
My design is here please note this design changes from time to time as I make more improvements. I made the frame larger to suit the larger blades 7x4.5 Three Blade Counter Rotating Propeller as these had the power I wanted for the motors I have.
Bill of Materials will come in the next post as I finalise them all.